Shaun Rubenstein - South African Paddler

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Beijing Olympics!!!

Saturday, August 9, 2008 – 9:58 PM

Well the Olympics have now started and I am having the time of my life! The first few days after arriving were very busy, organising all our kit, attending a formal dinner with the South African ambassador to China and of coarse the Opening ceremony. The opening ceremony is without doubt one of the most incredible experiences of my life. The Chinese have really put on an incredible show and everything so far has lived up to and exceeded my expectations of the Olympics. The Olympic village is an unbelievable place. There are thousands of athletes living here and its incredible to see such a variety of athletes, from 7 foot tall women to tiny 14 year boys and girls. I feel very privileged to be part of this amazing sporting event and I am really enjoying myself.

Training is going well again. We had a few easy days after all our travelling, to recover from the jet lag and I am feeling good on the water again. The course is really incredible and a hype of activity at the moment, with the rowing events and slalom events already taking place.

I would like to thank everybody for all my emails, sms' and facebook messages. Its impossible for me to reply to everybody personally at the moment, but I really do appreciate all the support.

The picture above was taken at the ambassadors dinner. I am standing with Mr Sam Ram Sammy and my room mate Calvin Mokoto
Posted in


Unknown said...

GO Ruby!!!!!!!!
Hope you rock the olympics!!!WE all thinking of you boet,
Mark Essery

Shelley Berkow said...

Hi Shaun - have a fantastic time in Beijing and we'll be cheering for you from Canada during your races.
Shelley & Geoff (Hazel's sister/brother-in law)

jon galloway said...

Hi Shaun,
Just wanted to wish you a huge good luck and hope it goes really well. Tali is so excited to come out and watch you and leaves in a few days, sorry I couldnt make it too. We also watched 4hrs worth of the opening ceremony waiting to see if we'd see you come in the stadium.

Good luck and hopefully get to see you in London again on your next visit. Fingers crossed for you mate.


Unknown said...

Dear Shaun

Your family in the US are only a mouseclick away and are standing behind you all the way.

If there is a link where we can watch you on-line, please forward that to us via your blog.

Wishing Cheryl a speedy recovery.

Best Wishes
Shelley, Perri, Li'el, Matya and Nevo
Washington, DC

Charles Henry said...


Best wishes for great success at the Olympics.

Charles Henry
(we met 14 years ago at Cherry Sales when I was MD of TW SA)
PS please say hi to Cheryl & Terry

Teasdale said...

Hello shauno. just wanted to let you know that Carey and I are thinking of you at this most amazing time of your life. We wish you all the best and will be shouting for you from sunny SA. All the best Dave and Care

Moira and David Gelman said...

Hi Shaun
We will all be cheering for you here in Leeds the Uk. We know you aill go far
Moira and David (Paul Pearce's sister and brother in law)

Ashley said...

Hi Shaun

You are an inspiration to the rest of us

Enjoy !!!


Unknown said...

Hey Shaun

Its finally here!! Can't wait to see you race! Good lcuk and we will be watching in Aus.

James & Tanya

zl said...

hey shaun
cant wait for the races,
we will try and bring you challah before shabbos to the village! find the chabad shul there! we are rooting for ya, hope to see you later

Alan said...

Dear Shaun,
All the best for a successful campaign in Beijing.The Stein,Feldman,Ben and Kantor families are behind you all the way.
Shaun -go for it. From Rachelle,Alan,Selwyn and Lauren.

Regards to all the family supporting you.


FayLaz said...

Looking forward to seeing you in the Olympics. Good luck from Fay Lazarus your STD 4 teacher King David Primary School

Fay_Laz said...

Good Luck for the games - from all at Maccabi South Africa.

Unknown said...

Shawn...the Levs are so excited for you and the family. We will be watching you from New York. Good luck! and enjoy it all. Recall your first paddle with us at Camps Drift?
Love from Ivan, Eleanor (New York), Robbie and Tracy (Balito), David (London), Kevin (Boston) and Jessica (Florida)
Love to Mom, Dad and Cedric

peggy said...

Hi Shaun
We are all very excited about your races next week.Just relax and enjoy the ride. We will be with u every inch of the way.You can be sure that we will be tuned in in good time
Henry Peggy and all the family

Juliette says said...

Hi Shaun

We are very proud of your achievements so far and am sure that you won't let us down this time.

The main thing is to go ou there and enjoy yourself and do your own personal best.


Leon and Juliette Reich

Di Mittel said...

Hi Shaun
Only three more sleeps before your personal big day.
Before you even start you are a winner of note. We (us and South Africa) are all soooo proud of you and will be cheering you all the way.
Masses of love and blessings

Lindy Ettin said...

Hey Shaun,

This is such an amazing adventure for you. Best of luck for the races!


Unknown said...

Hi Shaun - We are 'rooting' for you from Australia. Hope it goes well and main thing - enjoy yourself and the Gold will follow. G'day
Maurice Rene and Aaron Cohen

jcat said...

Hi Shaun,

Best of luck for the races - it's awesome that you are there.
Jacky W
(I'm the one you gave your old Javelin to....when you win a medal we can auction it to the highest bidder!)

Unknown said...

Hey Shaun we are all holding thumbs for you and believe that you'll be victorious! Be well and enjoy, love Stan, Margie and David Gordon

Brett Bartho said...

GO RUBY!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Rubes
So stoked that you are finally living your dream and are about to achieve something so amazing,all the best buddy!
Brett Bartho

Alan said...

Hi sport,
You have arrived and living your dream. Enjoy, do your very best and I have no doubt that you will bring back the gold. Remember the wind is always at your back. I will be glued to the TV for the next week.

Regards to all the family and supporters.

Love and kisses,


Unknown said...

Shaun! all the best this coming week! Good luck

Robin Koenders and family

Unknown said...

Howzit Shaun

Best of luck! Enjoy the challenge!
Go for it, push it to the limit.

Hope you have had a moment with your folks.

Remain as positive, focussed and strong and single-minded as you have always been.

Warmest regards

The Serebros.

Dave said...

You are already a wonderful ambassedor for your family, friends and country. Now lets sort ot the trophy cabinet!!!

You go boy!!!

All the very best

Dave Cohen

Unknown said...


You were my form one prefect and am really excited to be watching someone I know at the Olympics!

Best of luck for tom- we are all rooting for you!

Gabi L :)

Anton said...

Hey Shaun

You have done it. Now enjoy your week of 'havin it'!!! Bring home the silver-wear!!! I know you are going to show them how it's done....


Anton & the Border Canoe Club.

Pearce Family said...

Hody Shaun (this being the third time trying to leave u a comment :@)
Anyway for the third time- got a message from Bobba today- ur into the semi-finals baby!!! YAAAAAS
were all dead proud of you !!!
And we wish you all the luck of the irish!
Love from us Scots!
Go Shaun Go(moms comment):P


Pearce Family said...

Hey Shauny (This is the fourth time ive tried to leave you a comment and if it doesnt work then ill just wish u telepathic love and luck)

Heard your into the semi finals baby!!!
got the message from Bobba today n jumped outta bed in excitement

Hope to see you soon!!
Loadz of love and luck from the Scots!


Alan said...

Well done Shaun. Slay them in the semi finals.

Alan,Rachelle,Selwyn and Lauren Stein.

SEREBRO said...

Hey Shaun,

You trully are world class.

What a feat - being in BOTH semi-finals.

What ever you acheive, just know we are very proud of you.

Love Lindi, Dani, David and Colleen Serebro.

Unknown said...

Good luck for tomorrow - go shaun go - go shaun go
Maurice Cohen and family (Australia)